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The Vascular Database replaces costly hand written worksheets, dictations and transcriptions with easy to read, one-page reports your referring doctors will appreciate.

"The In Record Time program is quick and easy to learn and use. There are more time saving features than any other program we reviewed, and you don't have to be a computer whiz to use it."

Technical Director, Richmond, VA

The Vascular Database is an application designed for the physician and technologist to complete the everyday tasks associated with running an ICAVL accredited laboratory.  

With In Record Time, patient demographics, test order information, exam results and images can be imported into the patients’ worksheet.  The technologist reviews the data and prepares the worksheet for the physician’s review and approval, all without dictation and transcription.

Preliminary reports can be printed and included in the patient’s chart, pending the physician’s approval.  Once approved, the worksheet becomes a final report that is sent to the referring physician, EMR and PACS. In Record Time can provide a seamless integration with your Health Information System.

In Record Time’s user-friendly interface will generate a clear and concise report that can be sent electronically to the referring physician. 

The software will easily guide the Medical and Technical directors through accreditation, by compiling all statistical, CME and Quality Assurance information.  Billing and patient logs are also available with a click of the mouse.

Download a free 30-day evaluation copy

Sample Reports

Bypass Graft
Dialysis Access Graft